Thursday, October 05, 2006

Joanna Kramer: a heightened sense of purple

Ester, everything I see around me is recast in shades of purple.
Everything I recall of you is imbued with purple flourishes.

Your laughter – wide, generous, embracing
Sweet purple
Your tears – a summer of sadness we shared
Bitter purple

Your song –
Rich and resonating with purple timbre –
It coloured our years of friendship
And I am washed in its afterglow.

I can still see you and hear you, a flash of purple brilliance.
You dazzled me, warmed me, pumped purple fire through me.

You still do.
You always will.

Ester Bracha

Ester, you were, are, and will always be a blessing
In my memory
In my heart
In my life.

Joanna Kramer