Saturday, November 04, 2006

Karena Smith: The Strength in You

Darling Ester
Two days old
Bright and shining
Love to hold.

Watch you sleep
Write an essay
Not a peep.

Growing bigger
We read books
Draw wild pictures
Practice funny looks.

Away awhile
A card or two
Purple sad storms
The strength in you!

All that is beauty
Wise and kind
Heart gift to others
Magical mind.

Study days
An email back
Witty message
With punch to pack

Recent evening
So good to share
My favourite thing?
That you were there

My name is Kas and I am very lucky to have known Ester since she was born. What a privilege to watch such a fine young woman grow and become this amazing magical person. Ester touched me and many others so deeply, I didn’t know how deeply. She held a passion for right, thought so much and cared about real things that matter. She connected and understood, more than a people person somehow people were in her person. We often played with words. I struggled with what and how to write for this blog, nothing seems to write right. Ester is special; my times with her were sheer delight and joy. I love Ester and always will.